May 27th, 2020 by
With the British weather ever-changing, you may be wondering how you can keep cool when it does get hot, but on a budget! It seems pointless to invest in something as major as Air Conditioning when you may only get to use it for a couple of weeks a year. Here are our top eco-friendly ways to keep cool this summer.
Air Coolers
Air coolers are a brilliant way to keep cool when it’s rather hot outside. They are affordable and very eco-friendly as they don’t use a lot of energy. They work by using a tank of water to chill the air in a room using a natural process called evaporating cooling, and because it’s a natural process it ends up being a fraction of the cost of air conditioning. Our Mylek Remote Control Air Cooler is super easy to fill up with water and comes with four free ice packs, which can be added into the tank if you want your room to be extra cool! It also has three-speed settings for your convenience, and the swing setting can be turned on or off as you require.
Mylek Remote Control Air Cooler with 4 Ice Packs 8L Tank
Price: £115.00
Buy Now
Airing Rooms
Airing out the rooms in your house is perfect for keeping it cool and also brings along its own health benefits! Leaving a window open in your house helps to eliminate odours, and eliminates domestic pollutants, whilst also increases the level of oxygen we need to breathe. Another benefit is that it can reduce the level of damp – increasing heating efficiency and therefore saving you money in heating bills! To air out a room in your house, simply open windows on two sides of a room. If the room only has one window, then open another window in a nearby room to create a channel of air. To speed up this process and increase efficiency, you can place a fan in the window, aiming it into the room. This should be done regularly to keep the air in our homes fresh.
Changing your duvet
Do you have a winter and a summer duvet? This is a simple way to keep cooler during the night when it’s warm outside. Duvets usually come in 4.5 tog, 10.5 tog or 13.5 tog, however, can be found in other togs too. The higher the tog, the warmer the duvet will be. A cost-effective way of ensuring you have the best tog is to buy an all-seasons duvet. These come as a 4.5 tog for summer and a 9 tog for spring or autumn, with the added bonus of being able to combine the two for a 13.5 tog winter duvet!
The most traditional way we keep cool in summer is with a fan! Choosing the right fan for you can be overwhelming as there are so many choices, from hand fans to ceiling fans to tower fans. For use in the home, a tower fan can be the most efficient, and there are some really modern designed fans now that will fit into your home perfectly! Our Mylek 36 Inch Black Remote-Control Tower Fan is perfect for use in all spaces, with three-speed settings, a timer and oscillation function – and with the remote control, you can control all these without leaving your seat! For use through the night, this fan runs quietly and even better – uses a tiny amount of energy so you could leave it on right through those hot nights without the worry of massive electricity bills.
MYLEK 36 Inch Black Electric Tower Fan
Price: £85.00
Buy Now
Keep your house shaded
Keeping your curtains or blinds closed during the day can help you to keep rooms cool when it’s hot outside. I tend to do this in my living room, so if I’ve spent a day outside in the sun, I can come in and I know there will be a nice cool room to sit in! This is obviously very eco-friendly as it costs nothing to close your curtains – however you may need to invest in some thicker or blackout curtains if you only have very light curtains that still let some light and heat through. Reflective window panels are also helpful to put in your windows if the room you want to keep cool is in direct sunlight – this will reflect the heat away from your room.
Use your extractor fans
Most of us have extractor fans in our kitchen and bathroom to remove moisture and steam, but have you ever thought to use them to extract warm air from your house? Heat tends to rise so an extractor fan that pulls the heat up towards it will create a cooler atmosphere in the room, ingenious!
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