March 5th, 2020 by
Cups of tea and coffee at work, once considered something of a perk, are now widely accepted as essential to keeping workforces happy and working productively. Whether your staff love to fuel up on caffeine with a strong coffee or keep calm through their busy schedules with a herbal tea, most employers would acknowledge that tea making facilities are a basic expectation in a workplace.
In a small office with a handful of team members, a kettle in the kitchen will probably suffice. However, if your workplace goes through a decent number cups a day you could find that your kettle is permanently on the boil. This means staff will waste a lot of time waiting, and your electricity consumption goes through the roof. Modern workplaces need a more efficient solution.
A 25-litre digital catering urn represents that very solution. An urn such as this can provide instant hot water for up to 100 cups of tea. Water is kept at a constant temperature all day and it only uses energy to re-heat when it needs to.
Here are 5 reasons your office needs one:
1. More productive use of time
Hot drinks may keep your staff working well but the time taken to go boil the kettle can be disruptive. On average, a kettle takes around 3 minutes to boil from cold. It only takes a few seconds to put a teabag in a cup so the rest of that time is wasted just waiting. 3 minutes may not sound like long but imagine that several times a day, 5 days a week. (Plus, how often do people get distracted or pulled into a phone call or task and have to go back and start again 30 minutes later?). A catering urn provides instant hot water so 3 minutes is suddenly reduced to mere seconds. That’s a much more productive use of your employees’ time.
2. More energy efficient
Anyone who has a smart meter at home will be all too aware of how much energy is used every time you boil a kettle. Imagine multiple people boiling the kettle all day long! A digital catering urn is much more energy efficient because it keeps the water at roughly the same temperature all day. This uses much less energy which is not only more cost-effective to run, it’s better for the environment and we all need to do our bit in that respect.
3. Great for staff morale
We are a tea and coffee-loving nation and access to instant hot drinks for your staff makes them feel valued. The opposite is also true – if you don’t provide hot drinks, morale will probably suffer. A catering urn can also be used to provide hot water for other things too such as instant soups, noodles, and pasta which can speed up breaks and lunchtimes too – great for busy people! (You can even use them for making mulled wine at Christmas!).
4. Catering for large numbers
If yours is a large workforce with lots of people then an urn is a really efficient way of providing hot water for everyone. You will often see queues forming for the kettle when there is lots of demand, especially when people have set breaks and lunchtimes. You don’t see this when you have access to instant hot water as people can be in and out in seconds. It certainly cuts down on the chatting around the kettle and means that everyone has time to get their drink.
5. Fantastic for drinks away from the office
Unlike a plumbed in water heater, a digital urn simply requires plugging in and filling up. This means it’s fully mobile and therefore great for events, away days, shows, and exhibitions.
Which urn is right for your workplace?
There are several that you can choose from. The capacity you choose will largely depend on how many people you’re catering for: a 10L urn will provide up to 40 cups all the way up to a 25L urn which gives you 100 cups. Choose a digital model that shows the temperature of the water (and allows you to adjust it). An energy-saving insulated design requires less energy to keep warm and cool-touch handles will keep you safe from burns and scalds when removing or locking the lid. Our digital catering urn is a great option.
MYLEK Digital Stainless Steel Catering Urn 10L
Price: £79.99
Buy Now
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